Event Reports・イベント報告

Thank You! * Recycled Crafts * リサイクル工作・雑貨を作ろう




アースデイを祝うために、毎年このイベントで参加者が日常生活の中でよく使われているものを再利用できる機会を提供しています。 今年は古いTシャツと牛乳パックとトイレットペーパーの芯で面白くて役に立つものをたくさん作成できました。今回の牛乳パックを使った工作は初めての試みでしたが、参加者にも大変好評でした。特に牛乳パックで作った船は年齢に関係なく多くの子供たちに大人気でした。また、トイレットペーパーの芯で作った恐竜も大変人気がありました。この二つを合わせて、恐竜を船に乗せて遊ぶ子供の姿が多く見られました!牛乳パックで作った箱のようなちょっと難しい工作もありましたが、完成品は大変素晴らしかったです!特に保護者の皆様がこの作品を楽しそうに作っていらっしゃいました。


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Thank you everyone who came to our Recycled Crafts event on March 21st!  As always, the success of this event was all thanks to you.


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In honor of Earth Day, every year we host Recycled Crafts, where participants can find new uses for everyday objects.  This year, we used old T-Shirts, milk cartons, and toilet paper rolls to create lots of fun and useful things.  All the milk carton crafts made their debut this year and were well-received.  The milk carton boat was especially popular with kids of all ages.  Toilet paper roll dinosaurs were also quite popular.  More than a few children had fun combining the two and giving their dinosaurs boat rides!  Some crafts, like the treasure box made from milk cartons, were a bit difficult, but the end results were fantastic!  Parents especially seemed to enjoy this craft.



We were able to talk in English and Japanese with many people, both while making crafts and while enjoying snack time.  Finally, we hope the message of recycling and reusing stays with our participants (try using the Life Hack Pinterest board found via the QR code on the flyer everyone received)!


We hope to see you at our next event!


[満員御礼/Full House] 「Let’s Make Recycled Crafts!~リサイクル工作・雑貨を作ろう!~」(03/21) を開催します!

Recycle banner.jpg


Update (02/26): Registration is now closed as we have reached our capacity limit. Feel free to contact us if you would like to be placed on a waiting list.

3月21日(月・祝日)に前橋市で「Let’s Make Recycled Crafts!~リサイクル工作・雑貨を作ろう!~」を開催します!

地球環境について考える日、アース・デイに備えてALTや国際交流員と一緒にエコな工作・雑貨を作りましょう!家にあるものが、楽しいおもちゃや雑貨に変身します。 英語初心者の方も大歓迎です。
•日時:3月21日(月・祝日)14:00 – 16:00
•場所:群馬県庁昭和庁舎 第35会議室(前橋市大手町1-1-1)
• 締め切り:3月18日(金)12:00まで
• 定員:25名 定員になり次第締め切ります。
•メールアドレス: senryakuka@pref.gunma.lg.jp
•電話番号: 027-226-3394

We are holding our annual Earth Day event, “Let’s Make Recycled Crafts!” in Maebashi, on the national holiday of Monday, March 21st! Come join us for an afternoon of crafts and conversation.
•When: Monday, March 21st, 14:00 – 16:00
•Where: Gunma Showa Chosha, Room 35 (1-1-1 Ote-machi, Maebashi City)
•Admission: FREE (Registration Required)
•Registration Deadline: Friday, March 18th, 12:00pm
•Registration Cap: 25 People (Note: Children in elementary school or younger must be accompanied by a parent.)
•Please Bring:
(1) Scissors, glue, cutting knife, markers/pens/etc. for decoration
(2) 2 out of 3 of the following:
Toiler paper rolls, old T-shirts/jersey cloth, milk packs (please wash & dry them, but do not cut them)
•Registration: Contact Ashly Schanback at the Gunma Prefecture International Strategies Division by phone or email.
•E-MAIL: senryakuka@pref.gunma.lg.jp
•TEL: 027-226-3394

Let's Make Recycled Crafts Flyer Version 2.jpg

Event Reports・イベント報告

Thank You! * Let’s Make Recycled Crafts! ~リサイクル工作・雑貨を作ろう!~

4月19日(日)の「Let’s Make Recycled Crafts!~リサイクル工作・雑貨を作ろう!~」に参加していただいた皆さま、大変ありがとうございました!大勢の参加者と一緒にトイレットペーパーの芯、ペットボトル、古いTシャツなどを使って工作と雑貨作りをし、英語と日本語で交流を図ることができました。




I would like to thank everyone who attended the “Let’s Make Recycled Crafts!” event on Sunday, April 19th! We were able to make crafts out of toilet paper rolls, plastic bottles, and old T-shirts as well as chat in both English and Japanese with many participants.

We made plastic bottle owls, T-shirt scarf necklaces, toilet paper roll rabbits, and many other crafts. One popular craft with children was the plastic bottle cup-and-ball game, and the children seemed to have trying to get the ball into the cup after they finished making it. There was also a toilet paper roll flower craft that was a bit challenging, but some participants tried it anyway and produced beautiful results.

We also had some time to chat over some snacks and drinks, and at the end of the event, we handed out a packet of life hacks that re-purpose recyclables.

I hope to see everyone again at our next event!

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